
Hi, I’m Sofia Ibrahim, a Money and Attraction Marketing Coach passionate about helping solopreneurs reclaim their confidence, unapologetically share their gifts, and get generously paid for transforming lives.

My zone of genius is helping solopreneurs remove unconscious money blocks that are in the way of achieving their full potential in business.

I’m blessed to have a dream job that is fulfilling, fun, and well-paid, especially since I’m a mom of two special needs children. I’ve learned to prioritize my time, value my expertise, and care for my own health as I support my family and live a life I love. I firmly believe that we should empower women with money so they can provide rich experiences and care for their families while doing the work they feel put on this planet to do.

My personal path has been varied, but every experience led me to the work I do now, expanding my knowledge and expertise so that I can support others.

My journey of finding work I loved began as a flight stewardess for the world-renowned Singapore Airlines, where I lived in the high-mile club for almost a decade. My home address started with SQ, and my closet was my suitcase! I loved the job so much that work didn’t feel like work at all. Waking up at weird hours, putting on makeup at 3:00 am, moving from place to place—none of it bothered me because I truly loved what I did.

Before I dared to fly, my relationship with work and money was very different. It was low pay, long hours, and work on Saturdays. Tyrannical bosses, nasty and uninspired coworkers, a perpetual feeling of dissatisfaction, and the constant fear of getting fired. Worse yet, the positions lacked any form of personal or professional growth, and I felt stagnant. As a flight attendant, I made good money, got to travel, had fun, and experienced a ton of inner fulfillment and personal growth.

In 2008, I left Singapore Airlines to pursue the next chapter of my life: starting a family in a new country. When I was expecting my second son, my then-husband announced that we could no longer survive as a single-income family. I was dumbfounded because:

  • I wasn’t ready to return to work. My children were still young—under three!—and had special needs. I couldn’t bear to leave them in someone else’s care.
  • I had my own insecurities. I was (and still am) terrified to drive the chaotic freeways in Los Angeles. English is my second language, and writing is not my forte. This caused massive anxiety, hindering my ability to command better pay and flexible hours.
  • I was out of my element. I was in my 40s and hadn’t worked in an office for over a decade. I knew I had to start over—pay and rank—and I wasn’t excited about that.

While to others, my years working as a stewardess may have disillusioned me as to what “working life” really was, I held fast to the many valuable lessons and experiences it gave me. I knew that when you work from a place of passion and are generously rewarded for what you do, work doesn’t feel like work at all, even when there are ups and downs. I took that knowledge and set out to find something I was truly passionate about rather than settling for some unfulfilling, underpaid 9–5 job that would keep me from my kids.

I did the unthinkable: I became a home-based business owner.

I started with Network Marketing...

Then Affiliate Marketing…

Then creating digital courses…

And finally coaching.

I’d become a business collector of sorts because self-employment offered me what I valued most: flexible work hours, the potential of unlimited and passive income, the ability to travel and work from home, and opportunities to hone my skills and expertise.

I really loved all my businesses, but I struggled to make a good living.

I had clients here and there, but not enough to pay the bills. I Invested a ton of money trying to advance my rank in Network Marketing and attempting to learn how to hit five to six figures quickly, but success was always out of reach. Worse yet, I was working longer hours than I anticipated, so my health was affected. I gained a ton of weight, didn’t sleep nearly enough so I always felt tired, and went through way too much stress that took a toll on my marriage and relationship with my children.

I had plenty of great reasons to be in business, but I was in the red financially.

So what did I do?

I worked on:

  • Honing on my unique brilliance
  • Owning my worth and valuing my offerings
  • Getting better at strategic marketing
  • Healing my money mindset

I applied what I’d learned from my days as a stewardess and throughout all my business ventures with intentional, strategic focus, and I was amazed at how quickly I—and all of my clients—had significant breakthroughs. 

The momentum built, inspiring me to help more solopreneurs and freelancers who are undercharging, over-delivering, and even giving away their services for free to own their worth. This is important to me because not only does the world need these women’s services, it needs them to be healthy, vibrant, and loving every aspect of their lives and work!

This is how we transform the world.

As a Business Builder Warrior and Money and Business Coach, my mission is to help clients ranging from coaches to freelancers to aspiring home-based business owners build profitable ventures one step at a time. I aim to assist my clients in realizing their dreams and taking bold action while embracing their individuality and authenticity.

I know what it’s like to settle, to start believing that the grass is greener on the other side, suppressing feelings of envy and jealousy, and over-compensating for the lack of confidence. I know that feeling because I was there before.

I’ve also made it to the other side, where I stand firm in my desires and work intentionally to create what I want—without hustle, scarcity, or yucky, pushy marketing tactics. Let me show you how to honor yourself and your brilliance by showing you how to build a business that gets you paid what you’re worth for the things you’re called to do—with more grace, ease, and freedom of time and money to spend it how you value most.

Click here to learn more about working with me!

My sales numbers have increased, I have alleviated my debt and I am feeling much healthier, making much better food choices / increasing every day. (I've lost 10 lbs!) I would absolutely recommend this program to anyone who is looking for balance, happiness, and confidence.” –Amy Sheals