Own Your Worth

Attention freelancers and coaches!

Are you ready to:

  • Get handsomely paid for the work that you do?
  • Serve only your ideal clients—ones that love, adore, and can afford to pay you?
  • Deliver incredible results to your clients while working less hours?
  • Have a work-personal life balance with freedom of time and money? 
  • Feeling at ease stating your fees without beating around the bush?
  • Increase your rates with integrity, reflecting your worth?

If so, I’m happy to tell you that you’re in the right place.

Hi, I’m Sofia Ibrahim! I’m a Money and Attraction Marketing Coach passionate about helping solopreneurs reclaim their confidence, unapologetically share their gifts, and get paid well for transforming lives. My zone of genius is helping solopreneurs remove unconscious money blocks that are in the way of achieving their full potential in business.

I'd guess that you started your business because you wanted life to look different than the 9–5 grind where you’re frequently exhausted and frustrated, away from your family and loved ones for what feels like an eternity, and constantly struggling to live paycheck to paycheck. There was certainly no time for travel, enjoying your favorite hobbies, or playing with your kids, and I’d guess your relationships suffered all around from the stress.

You wanted to be the boss so you could set your own hours, sign your own paycheck, and cherry-pick clients that allow you to work from your zone of genius every day (well, not every day because, remember, you also wanted to be able to have a flexible schedule!)

So let me ask you this… is that how it’s going?

Or are you:

  • Bringing work with you or stressing about it wherever you go?
  • Working longer hours than your 9–5 job, and getting resentful because you’re paid less?
  • Feeling burnt out, out of shape, and constantly irritable with your family?
  • Wishing there were 48 hours in a day and eight days in a week?
  • Lacking confidence in yourself, your offerings, and your decision to start a business?

This is something many solopreneurs run into when they first start their business. Unfortunately, many of them also see this thread carry into the following years because they have no idea what to do instead of what they’ve been doing: hustling, burning out, and building resentment. Their limiting beliefs, fears, and money mindset don’t support anything being or looking differently, and they can’t seem to crack the mysterious marketing code to attract ideal, well-paying, appreciative clients.

I get it, I do.

When I first started out, I really loved all the businesses I had. 

I started with Network Marketing... then Affiliate Marketing… then creating digital courses… and finally landed in coaching (if you haven’t read my story yet, you can do so here.)

But I struggled to make a good living.

I had clients here and there, but not enough to pay the bills.

I Invested a ton of money trying to advance my rank in Network Marketing and attempting to learn how to hit five to six figures quickly, but success was always out of reach.

Worse yet, I was working longer hours than I anticipated, so my health was affected. I gained a ton of weight, didn’t sleep nearly enough so I always felt tired, and went through way too much stress that took a toll on my marriage and relationship with my children.

I had plenty of great reasons to be in business, but I was in the red financially.

So what did I do?

I worked on:

  • Honing on my unique brilliance
  • Owning my worth and valuing my offerings
  • Getting better at strategic marketing
  • Healing my money mindset

I applied what I’d learned from my days as a stewardess and throughout all my business ventures with an intentional, strategic focus, and I was amazed at how quickly I—and all of my clients—had significant breakthroughs.

The momentum built, inspiring me to help more solopreneurs and freelancers own their worth.

Amy Sheals Executive Consultants, Executive Sales

My sales numbers have increased...

"My sales numbers have increased, I have alleviated my debt, and I am feeling much healthier, making much better food choices / increasing every day. (I've lost 10 lbs!) I would absolutely recommend this program to anyone who is looking for balance, happiness, and confidence."

Owning your worth is about more than just money.

It’s about:

  • Owning your time: This means having full control of your schedule and how you allocate it, not easily persuaded by bad, demanding clients. You set the pace for projects and client containers, determine the schedule boundaries necessary for your sanity and success, and you manage your days and weeks in a way that works best for you.
  • Owning your experience: This is about creating the life and work experiences that you want to have, for no other reason than you desire them to be that way. You’re not at the whim and mercy of anyone else’s mood, requests, or preferences; you’re building your business, your way, ensuring that every aspect feels right for you. This creates an overflow into your personal life and relationships because you’re far more fulfilled.
  • Owning you brilliance: This entails recognizing and embracing your unique strengths, talents, and innovative ideas, confidently leveraging your creative insights, specialized knowledge, and skills to drive your business forward (and your pricing higher). This requires self-assuredness in your abilities, the confidence to showcase your genius, and leads to constant evolution and growth as an individual and business owner.
  • Owning your health: This is about living vibrantly, having energy, sleeping and eating well, and feeling great in your body rather than being run down, stressed out, and constantly burning the candle at both ends. It’s about having a business that allows for this to be your reality, rather than draining and depleting you.
  • Owning your dream: This means fully embracing and pursuing your vision with unwavering dedication because you’re not pulled in a million stressful and exhausting directions (which are usually the things everyone else wants you to do). It's about taking responsibility for your ambitions, staying committed to your journey, and inspiring others through your pursuit of an entrepreneurial dream that reflects your passion and purpose.
  • Owning your finances: This is about getting paid what you’re worth for the immense value you provide so that you have freedom of money to do what you want. You shouldn’t be struggling in your business, a business that’s your dream where you help others in some essential way. It means having and being in control of your own money so that you can support yourself and your family how you see fit.

Chaya Peltz Business Coach

She genuinely cares about my success...

“Sofia is results driven, inspirational and motivating. With her vast knowledge and expertise she was able to see exactly where my strengths and blind spots were, and took me through deliberate customized methodical steps to go deep beneath the surface and achieve more granular clarity of my niche & ideal client. Working with her it’s clear that she genuinely cares about my success and was equally as excited for me achieving my goals as I was. Great experience working with her!”

Here’s the tricky bit about owning your worth, especially in business: there’s no “one size fits all” recipe to help you achieve success because your journey in entrepreneurship is unique to you.

Some people are further along or further behind, and some are just getting started.

Then there’s the personal growth aspect of entrepreneurship which affects your mindset and self-worth, allowing you to earn more without working harder.

Lastly, there’s the crucial connecting piece where your soul and courage are infused together, giving you the inner strength and guidance to build and grow a business based on your own script, vision, and genius and not anyone else’s—which can be a terrifying journey!

But when you’ve overcome the obstacles and owned your worth, you begin to say no from a place of power, cherry-pick your clients and charge according to your value, set your hours unapologetically, and compromise only from a place of what’s in your (and, in turn, your client’s) best interests instead of guilt, shame, scarcity, or insecurity.

It’s a powerful process.

One that you can’t do alone, which is why I’ve created:

Own Your Worth: Private Coaching for the Passionate Solopreneur

Our work in Own Your Worth may include:

  • Money Mindset Mastery: Heal the money wounds lowering your self-worth and learn how to confidently and comfortably make more money in your business. We’ll reprogram your subconscious script around success, wealth, money, entrepreneurship, and the rat race, help you stop robbing Peter to pay Paul, and address your money karma.
  • Be/Do/Have Work: You’ll understand on a cellular level who you need to be, what you need to do, and what you need to have to achieve the success you desire.
  • Creating a Sustainable Blueprint: Create a business blueprint designed for sustainable growth without selling your soul or working harder. This is about building a business that supports your ideal lifestyle for as long as you’d like it to, and will be unique to who you are, how you work, and who you want to serve.
  • Confident Pricing and Sales Strategy: You’ll learn how to price your offerings to cover your expenses and support your lifestyle along with what exactly to say (and how to say it confidently) when your ideal client asks, “how much do you charge?” Learn how to have sales conversations that feel fluid and fulfilling, not scammy or uncomfortable.
  • Organic Online Marketing: We’ll look at the best channels to support your business growth without having to hire an agency or spending money on ads. You’ll learn how to build a money-making center for your business!

This program is for you if you find yourself undercharging in your business due to newness or the fear of not meeting quick promises, giving excessive deliverables beyond what your ideal clients require, or even providing products and services for free in hopes of gaining referrals and clients. It will support you if you're tired of attracting clients who don't value your work, and instead, you desire to attract appreciative clients willing to pay a premium for your services. If you're eager to work fewer hours while maintaining financial stability with authenticity, and if you're prepared to bravely align with your unique path to wealth, success, and personal fulfillment, then you’re more than ready to dig into this potent work.

I focus on one-on-one private coaching so you can accelerate the process without having to wait for your turn in some group program. You can start implementing the teachings immediately based on where you’re at and no one else’s schedule or timeline. Better yet, you can feel the effects of owning your worth in every sense of the phrase instantaneously!

As a Money and Attraction Marketing Coach, my mission is to help clients ranging from coaches to freelancers to aspiring home-based business owners build profitable ventures one step at a time. I aim to assist my clients in realizing their dreams and taking bold action while embracing their individuality and authenticity.

I’m not your typical business coach who adopts a "fake it till you make it" or "go hard or go home" approach. I understand that such methods often backfire and leave you feeling even more defeated.

Instead, I offer a personalized and supportive coaching experience centered around teaching you specific types of mastery and focused on empowering you to overcome your deeper limiting beliefs, transform negative self-talk, and build an unshakeable state of mind. This coaching will help you create a healthy relationship with money, allowing you to confidently charge what you're worth and attract premium clients for you and your business.

The process begins with a simple application to help me better understand your needs. Once I determine that my coaching can benefit you, we'll schedule a Discovery Call to discuss your challenges and potential solutions. From there, I’ll create a customized coaching plan to help you unleash your worth - so you quickly begin creating new and exciting results in your business.

Don't delay any longer!

The journey to unleashing your business potential and transforming your life starts right here, right now. Join us and step into a future of abundance, fulfillment, and success! Use the form to contact me today:

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Janet Johnson Profit Breakthrough Coach

Within a month, I have over 224 subscribers...

"I have published a book and created resources to support confidence on Instant Timer and Youtube. Within a month, I have over 224 subscribers - thank you Sofia!"

Julie Mallari Creator Rainbow of Circles

Sofia helped me clarify the vision for my business...

"Sofia helped me clarify the vision for my business, identify my niche and clear subconscious blockages using tapping (EF)"

Jacklyn Kuah Theatre Practitioner

I overcame procrastination...

"I overcame procrastination after working with Sofia. I completed my thesis 3 weeks before its due date."

Laura A. Geiger Psy, D

So healing and nurturing...

"Sofia's gentle style, positive attitude and encouragement is so healing and nurturing! She really listens to each person's situation and challenge; reframe it and has a very therapeutic healing style. ... I highly recommend her as a coach."

My sales numbers have increased, I have alleviated my debt and I am feeling much healthier, making much better food choices / increasing every day. (I've lost 10 lbs!) I would absolutely recommend this program to anyone who is looking for balance, happiness, and confidence.” –Amy Sheals